I’ve seen several of these videos and always wonder why the parents and even the technicians sometimes, 30 year of new kids on the block shirt seem to almost yell at the baby. But besides all that it is so wonderful when the little ones smile.
30 year of new kids on the block shirt
To a non-hearing person, any sound is loud until they become accustomed to noises!! I know because my granddaughter was born deaf in one ear and every sound seemed amplified to her. Even normal speaking tones were loud to her. Remember folks, you are judging based on a video…you are not present in the room so you don’t know how loud a sound may truly be. Also, these rooms often have a echo effect making things sound louder 30 year of new kids on the block shirt than they really are. None of these health care specialist would intentionally inflict pain and discomfort on these patients. It could mean the difference between whether they continue wearing their hearing devices or not!! I just love arm chair doctors, nurses, quarterbacks…and the list goes on!!
any noise not before heard is strange and loud, confusing and locations not distinguishable at first or in some cases never. Adjusting is different for each individual and healthcare providers have no idea how any one person will adjust. When receiving my first hearing aid, I was told to try at home first, wrong for me, could not handle sounds in the home, but out in public I was able to adjust quicker. Air conditioners, refrigerators and those sounds translated to me as a motor in my hearing aid. still to this day I cannot wear my hearing aid at home when I am alone. 37 years later
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