The bible is made of many testimonies… BTS friends tv show shirt there is alot of grey areas in reality …no one situation is exact to another… Why would there be only one way to deal with life , if life has no exact examples…?
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if his feelings were validated as a child, he would never have gone to the gangs. If he could trust himself, he would never have doubted the feeling that it felt wrong. If his parents saw him as a human being worthy of love he wouldn’t be trying to prove his worth to anyone you took BTS friends tv show shirt the words right out of my head. We all make mistakes in life some small and some might be like this young guy did.
I believe if God can forgive us then who are we not to forgive others. God says many things..its just never gonna make sense to one that chooses a…1 scripture to determine how it applies to life…the Lord says there will be a season for all things both good and bad ! You must take that leap of faith in Christ to see life thru his eyes.. To have wisdom is to know all sides of any given thing before making a decision on whether or not it means this or that…