I’d still rather they let Ed Boon make a Mortal Kombat/Injustice type game with Marvel characters. With the customizable gear system of Injustice 2 and the new Mortal Kombat. Endgame dad I love you three thousand shirt Fair enough. Looks to be a bit on the kiddish side, but I guess they thought the most dollars would be made making a game for them, which is once again, fair enough.
Endgame dad I love you three thousand shirt
I’m sorry but this is the worst looking preview I’ve seen in a long time. Interesting idea and mite b cool but it just looks bland af as presented. Little disappointed they didnt use the actual HUD from the movies, I remember finding the artist online that designed them, such crazy elaborate stuff. I dont care if most of it was useless it was just so cool looking The script was not completely finished when filming began, since the filmmakers were more focused on the story and the action, Endgame dad I love you three thousand shirt so the dialogue was mostly ad-libbed throughout filming. Director Jon Favreau acknowledged this made the film feel more natural. Some scenes were shot with two cameras, to capture lines improvised on the spot. Robert Downey, Jr. would ask for many takes of one scene, since he wanted to try something new. Gwyneth Paltrow, on the other hand, had a difficult time trying to match Downey with a suitable line, as she never knew what he would say.
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hulk is on rampage in this one, while he ends up getting beaten by thanos.They really nerfed him in infinity war which is really disappointing for me. I was hoping id see him crush the horned guy in infinity war. hulk cant do shit against thanos bruh. Lorewise; thanos is fucking overpowered. Just search him on wiki dude to know more about how thanos can destroy anyone in marvel universe Thanos’s strenght feats are insane too. And besides, you seem to ignore the fact that almost everyone has been nerfed in the MCU. The reason why Iron Man Wins is because if hulk killed Stark it would be a big damn on Marvel. In this video hulk lose because if hulk got defeated, stark only defeated hulk and itself not the one who has the power. Hulk got defeated but he is still the hulk.