Nipsey will be missed! He made his community better and someone killed him, possibly jealousy. Nipsey hussle ownership is everything own your mind mind your own shirt However, some of y’all need to learn how to spell. Grammar matters! Nipsey fought to help his people come up, not sound ignorant.
Nipsey hussle ownership is everything own your mind mind your own shirt
he needs to be held accountable. If someone just kills him, he gets away with it. It also will help give the family peace if justice is carried out legally. Plus, holder’s family could sue whoever didn’t protect him if he does get killed. So then, in essence, holder would win. They do this all the time. In murder cases where the victim has connections in the streets. Even for local cases that aren’t high profile. Darden is a public defender he more than likely got assigned to him because of his previous experience with high profile cases I read the same thing…that Darden was privately retained. Nipsey hussle ownership is everything own your mind mind your own shirt And seriously, come on people, Darden is not working as a public defender. He worked on the biggest case of the century…he commands more money than what a public defender pays
when you see things like this some big ppl is behind it because be was about to spill some beans so they cut him down so they just used him because the 2 did have some misunderstandings but he was just a poppet on a string u can’t be serious right now there’s video from every angle and remember the other two he shot didn’t die so they know exactly who he is this dude is a informant for the police why do you think when they went and got him the LAPD WANTED to go on there own to identify him and just remember polices try hard to take care of snitches there’s several angles of the shooting and remember Nipsey wasn’t the only one who was shot unfortunately Nipsey was the only one to die but there was others he shot to who can well off identify the dude
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