I’ve loved Queen my entire life, thanks to my parents blasting it in the early 90s in the backseat of our car, the speakers would almost blow out every time we listened to the album. Bohemian rhapsody freddie mercury queen forever signature shirt My father passed away last month, and my mom and I went to go see the movie the other night, needless to say we cried through the entire thing and held hands it was a very special experience for us both
Bohemian rhapsody freddie mercury queen forever signature shirt
Rami said they mixed 90% Freddie voice with rami’s and Mark’s. Hence the oscar for best sound mixing..He took singing lessons and sung all the songs in the movie so you can see he his not lipsyncin that would have spoilt it for me. Love Freddie, outstanding performance from Rami he embodied Freddie My parents would always blast Queen in the car and I’ve loved it my whole life. My dad passed away when I was 12 and I still can’t listen to some Queen songs because they make me cry. I’m so sorry, that’s terrible. I can’t imagine losing him so young, Bohemian rhapsody freddie mercury queen forever signature shirt I lost my brother when I was 17 as well and there are many songs that I cannot listen to without thinking of him and bursting into tears no matter where I am or who I’m with. I “discovered” Queen on my own without my parents influence, but now I blast it in the car with my 6 year old son and I love that I sometimes catch him singing to himself as he’s playing with his legos or in the shower. He has a speech delay too, which makes it that much more amazing to me when I hear him clearly singing “Bicycle! Bicycle! I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike.”
Have a good day and take it

My son had a speech delay as well, he didn’t speak until the age of 4. I’ve passed the torch and he too loves Queen now. He’s probably the only kid at school who’s grandma rocks Queen on full blast with her grandkids in the car. Some truly moving posts. It says a lot that you grew to love them more after that. It would be so easy to go the other way. I first saw Queen over 40 years ago, so it makes me so happy that they are still generating young fans. But Bohemian Raphsody is equally genius, awesome, unique, timeless, emotional, musically rich, bold and just a plain cool tune all around. So yeah, best Song of All time (or in the top3 if anyone wanna make a case about it) It may have revived it in the states , but it didn’t need reviving anywhere else . Everywhere else stuck by Queen through thick & thin unlike the states who dropped them like a stone because they didn’t like & didn’t understand the joke in ” I Want To Break Free “
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