I have a goal to get a copy of every NKOTB album and also the solo albums. Still looking for the 1st album, New Kids on the Block. (A friend “borrowed” all my tapes back in the day and never returned them.) 30 years of NKOTB signature shirt I cannot even tell you how many things your music has gotten me through in my life. I always knew in my heart that you would come back!! I have the deepest love and appreciation for you guys, here’s to another 30 years and more together
30 years of NKOTB signature shirt
I preordered mine. It came Tuesday. After a long 15 hr exhausting day at work, it was exactly what I needed. Went out to my car and put it in the CD player and sat there for over an hour listening to the music. Made my night much better. I don’t know what it is about this band but, every time I hear their music ,see them on tv, or in concert, I immediately get a huge smile on my face and get all giddy. These 5 guys are a HUGE part of my childhood. 30 years of NKOTB signature shirt Joey Mack was the first celebrity I pictured myself marrying lol. The first time I saw them in concert I was 11! My dream came true of wanting to meet him ( and the others) in 2013 and I will never , ever forget that moment. I LOVE them!! I cannot wait to see them live again for the 10th time in Toronto this summer with my besties
Go shopping and hope you like it

Can’t go wrong with any of them! So excited to see you guys for the first time! Waited 30 long years for this! So grateful that my cancer battle is allowing me to see you guys, instead of being stuck in the hospital for a transplant! Boys in the Band, for sure. But, there is just something “anthem-ish” and bad ass about Block Party. Wouldn’t mind a little Still Sounds Good to Me and Summertime either…can’t really go wrong! 104 days til Mix Tape hits DC!
I would die if I ran into Danny or any other New Kid at Target!! Not going to lie I’d be going into stalker mode. I’m anxiously waiting for my copy in the mail I waited 30 years for this what more is a couple more days, I just may get another copy at Target. An extra won’t hurt! right? You’ve got the Right Stuff, and you have succeeded Step by Step. Hey, Donny, I enjoyed a burger and shake at Wahlburgers last summer in Bean Town. It was very close to Fenway Park.

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