I had no idea” then at that point you start getting attracted to them. That’s where the TRUE attraction lies, all this initial attraction bullshit is what gets women hurt, 40 years of depeche mode 1980-2020 thank you for the memories signature shirt because it’s very easy for men to put on this facade because once a man figures out what women are generally attracted to, the rest is a cake walk and you guys fall for it everytime.
40 years of depeche mode 1980-2020 thank you for the memories signature shirt
I can’t even read your whole rant because attraction to a romantic partner is essential. Did you even read the post? Guy first fell for her over her FUCKING EYES. Attraction for me is not soley physical by any means, but yes the idea of having sex with that physical body needs not to make me hurl. That said, i have had far more emotional intimacy and amazing sex with people whose bodies i would otherwise deem less attractive than other people I’ve been with. Attraction is more than features, it’s chemistry on more than 2 dimensions and 40 years of depeche mode 1980-2020 thank you for the memories signature shirt if you feel otherwise i just can’t relate. It is true that some men get ” friend zoned” . A lot of People do have a type. I personally don’t. I have to be attracted to someone to be with them but personality carries a lot more weight then looks. A lot of women have silly “deal breakers”. Sometimes a deal breaker is something you just can’t forgive.
Like him leaving his underwear on during sex. Who does that? DVRing a show and not fast forwarding through the commercials. You just can’t take someone like that anywhere. For the love of god take your underwear off to have sex! And to top it all off would have people like me who been friend zoned by at least 100 women for 7 years in a row. Only would ever ask out quality women. But as time goes by you slowly start changing and eventually comes the breaking point and you decide once and for all that you’re tired of losing, and it’s not even about winning but damn is there a single decent girl who realizes that you don’t HAVE to like someone to date them? Here’s how this works, you give them a chance, you go out on a few dates and you’ll start to see more of his true self, and his real personality will start unfolding and you’ll start thinking “wow
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