I went t through it with my mother. She ended up in a nursing home when she needed 24/7 care. I hated taking her t here but it was necessary. She didn’t know who we all were at the end. Pink beautiful trauma world tour 2019 shirt My cousins and my aunts and uncles and i all help my grandparents. They’re the back bone of our family. I take my grandma to the store or to her hair appointments. You can’t single out people you don’t know.
Pink beautiful trauma world tour 2019 shirt
it truly is. My grandmother is in her early 80s and has battled a few years now. She’s currently in the last few days of her life and will pass soon. She had hospice start care at the assisted living center this week. The only thing that comforts me is knowing my grandpa will be waiting for her with open arms when she goes. He’s been gone 12 years this October. I’d never wish Alzheimers on my worst enemy. people who Pink beautiful trauma world tour 2019 shirt have their own families to support and raise may not have the means or time. Doesn’t mean they care less about their parent, in fact being realistic about a situation can show more love than trying to do something impossible. My house is too small for my parents and can’t just go buy a new home to fit them.
People need to realize not every person has the same financial freedoms as everyone else. Most are not in a position to make huge living arrangement changes or have the ability to quit their jobs. Would be nice if we all could but that’s not realistic I’m not talking about ‘impossible’ situations. I’m sorry I didn’t make that clear. A practical example I can give is of my uncle. His mum had become too old to live safely in her own home, so he and his mum both sold their own homes and pooled their resourses to buy a bigger home for the whole family to live in. Every situation is different. But so often I see children doing less than their best for their parents and that makes me sad. I believe in the West many children are doing far less than they could. In Thailand and many other countries in the East there are no rest homes and people grow up expecting to take care of their parents when they are elderly. Its normal.
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