There’s another clip from the show where she keeps tugging it down and then pulling the top up, and she says “I look like a gumdrop!” Ariana grande sweetener world tour shirt You could tell she wasn’t completely comfortable in it and I felt a little bad for her. Except she has a gazillion dollars and I have $38.54, so not too bad.
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they don’t have to be able to read his mind. They’re professional musicians. They know the words to the song and they know the beat it’s being played to. It’s not that hard to catch on to what he’s gonna do next. Without rehearsing or having any plan ahead of time, how did the band know he wasn’t about to sing the rest of the chorus as the original song goes? How did multiple people come in knowing what part the other was going to sing, Ariana grande sweetener world tour shirt doing it in the exact right style to match each other backup vocalists and in the proper chord progression and rhythm? How did they know what melodic patterns he was going to use to match the style that they would follow along with? How did Ariana also know exactly what they were going to sing and when if she hadn’t rehearsed this sketch with them (seen singing along in the background)? And to do all of this without error?
Have a nice time and go shopping

They’re good improvisational musicians but they still use charts and music to stay together. See those iPads they have? They aren’t there for the band to watch cat videos while they’re waiting to play every single note of a variety of songs/styles off the cuff. My being a professional musician doesn’t make my word infallible, but it certainly makes me more informed than someone who’s never played an instrument or read music, or worked in a professional music ensemble. When you can figure out how to have a full band and backup vocalists improvise on the spot after being given two pieces of information that don’t include a key, form, or any other sort of preparation—call me. I’d be interested in how you’ve created a way for musicians to magically make things happen and them sound perfect without any premeditation.

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