and actually cared for them. Alice in chains all over printed shirt They were equals, but the man was still the head of the household. If anything, there’s more opression when men and women are considered the same thing.
Alice in chains all over printed shirt
Our relationship wasn’t broken just because we did that to each other it was just a rough patch and we certainly patched it up. Now we have a beautiful baby girl and we couldn’t been more happier. I agree with Deniz Felix Tinoco u can’t fixs someone that doesn’t want to fixs them self am tired of people have and Alice in chains all over printed shirt excuse for the way a person treats them it’s on fair to some one who is not broken to stay with a person who need to fixs them self ,
my honest opinion is if a person is broken they need to find them self back before they damage someone else I totally agree , this was beautiful however it’s like saying let’s make America Great again… when was it great during the 50s and 60s because It was not great for all women and minority’s. I guess it depends on who is doing the writing Actually, women were treated well by their husbands,