I can completely relate to this video message,it’s heartbreaking and debilitating trying to keep the pretence up , its tired of being tired for no reason, it’s a lottery every day when you wake up , New kids on the block shirt wondering how much more you can take, how long can you keep a false smile, laugh, and inside your dying, your lost, sad, lonely, omg I’m so understanding of this video
New kids on the block shirt
this is so true!! We are a society based on social media but we have forgotten how to be social with one another and to really focus on those around us; to notice the little things that may indicate an issue!! Wake up life is too short!! Be aware of who and what is around you and make someone’s day!! I suffer with aniexty depression I take medication for it. Sadness is something I have a lot off and my mum doesn’t understand depression. New kids on the block shirt I come from a middle eastern background and Mum spent most her life back home and she doesn’t understand. Panic attacks used to be so bad got sent to hospital more then once paramedics been called many times in my life. Praying for everyone going threw this struggle
Hang out with these awesome designs

I keep it for myself. I didnt share it coz im the one who suffered it. Yeah its true. You are okay outside but dying inside. You wanna shout but no voice will come out. You smile to other people but crying all by yourself. Everyone see you happy but no one see your sadness. You keep on going but the truth is you want to ended it. You are very strong facing people but your heart is about to give up. Many likes and comments on social media but those likers just saw the different side of yourself. The one that all people want to see. No one can see your other self imprison in darkness,sadness and loneliness Once we understand what the purpose of this life actually is, everything just makes complete sense. One automatically stops taking these social sites and social media life too seriously. Ponder of life, creation, purpose of life, the end goal and you’ll find that this life is nothing but passing time.

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