whom still draws breath after doing a heinous crime against us… Just a girl who loves jonas brothers shirt but truth is even as humans a stronger power we learn and can learn to posses is forgiveness!
Just a girl who loves jonas brothers shirt
and videos such as these. So I applaud you for being so transparent here on the biggest fish bowl in the world, social media, and willing to Express your feelings on this matter.. forgiveness is not easy by any means.. has nothing to do with it once you take my childs life. But unfortunately I’m not a Christian nor do I follow a religious faith. But I do know one thing may Just a girl who loves jonas brothers shirt whomever you worship be at the end of your departure! i disagree it does not make her a psychopath. people can forgive even for murder
and people can they can change. the boy that did the killing he was held accountable hence him being in jail he did his time.. i’m sure he got his while i’m there they don’t make jail fun. clearly those that see the negative in the story missed the entire point. and have some deep mental issues. it’s painful, it’s memorable, it is always going to traumatize you, only if ‘you’ let it… it’s only human to feel justice ought to be served to the particular wrong doer