So true! For me, not so much forgiveness but letting go of all that pain and move forward with my life. My late husband was always Jonas brothers world tour 2009 shirt my inspiration the most positive person I have ever known. When I feel angry and hurt, I hear he’s soft voice telling me to let go and push forward.
Jonas brothers world tour 2009 shirt
It’s not our weakness but it’s our maturity to handle the situation to letting go . And forgiveness shows u are kind and lovable. All things depends on circumstances what occurs. see it’s all about which type of nature u have? What’s good for u not to forgive or forgive and move on? I like to forgive, so l wrote in my comment. Jonas brothers world tour 2009 shirt I have seen so many people who ditched me and I forgot. Actually u can say I remembered but forgot, I had no option, did not like to spoil my life. This is my opinion
that’s so sad when u think their your friend just to find out that they could care less. Shame on them. Some people are selfish and all they do is take and use people. A good person won’t do that to any one. Karma comes in Life is all about to keep tuning life with new subjects and the subject is actually opportunities which is of course full of problem…. So to explore ourselves very better we have to go through the problem… In fact life is a puzzle which is unsolved and u are born to solve it yourself without any goal…. We only have to achieve and keep achieveing not knowing what is the end.
this is so helpful for my husband and I for dealing with my family. I’m the outcast of the family and my family has never really accepted the idea that for the last 12 years I have a husband. On some level I know that it’s best to let go, but it’s easier said than done. Just make a life for yourself and your family will come around when they see happiness flowing in your face. That is what no one can give you. My prayer is that you enjoy your marriage with your husband. The true love and friendship that exists between you and your husband will bring them close. You will be a reference point on beauty of marriage.
Have a good day with this design

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