First of all Bill Cosby was a rapist point blank period. Thirsty mfs deserve what they got. They expect the stars and moon for a couple bucks. I don’t blame her or any women who work these jobs. Cardi B my mom doesn’t want your advice okurrr shirt They have to get money in any way possible, some have children so. And just a fact it’s the same men who talk and want “justice” those who should grab their balls and be responsible for their children and not abandon them.
Cardi B my mom doesn’t want your advice okurrr shirt
Since people are coming out of the woodworks now, I’d also like to step forward and say that I identify with a person that has been victimized by Cardi B… 5 years ago she also drugged and robbed me of my pocket change in a NY hotel room after meeting her at the strip club. Tupac, Elvis and the Easter bunny are my witnesses. you are what’s wrong with society…she needs to be in jail. One for soliciting sex after hours, two for illegally drugging men without their consent. Three raping them. You going to make excuses as to why her ass shouldn’t be in jail? Cardi B my mom doesn’t want your advice okurrr shirt Don’t have one, but you probably need some mandingo in your life that way you can stop making jokes and using your double standard when it’s convenient to you…what can i expect from a female who looks up to Cardi B
if a guy joked about drugging a woman then letting a third party in to have his way with her how would you feel? Anyone who drugs somebody for any reason is disgusting and can’t be trusted I would say…. I hope the woman learned her damn lesson for trying to pay for sex in the first place…. because that’s exactly what this man did by inviting cardi B back to his hotel room to pay her for sex…. doesn’t make what she did right, but maybe it taught him a lesson I don’t understand how people don’t see that this man is committing a crime by paying a stripper to come back to his hotel for sex, and expecting her (whom he’s paying to commit an illegal act… for his benefit and pleasure) expects the stripper to be honest and trustworthy
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