I love them now, just as much as I did when I was 12, 13 years old. It’s been a wonderful journey seeing them go through life’s ups and downs and become the family men that they are. Backstreet boys signature shirt That even though they’ve lived the rockstar life for 25 years, there’s nothing like coming home to family who loves you unconditionally.
Backstreet boys signature shirt
I’ve been obsessed since 1997 when I was 12.. still obsessed in 2019 when I am 33. “And I can’t let them go, they’re apart of me now” (picture me singing this lyric LOL)… I think I’ve been to about 10 concerts and met them twice. And that was just a few years ago. Loved the song before I saw the video. Seeing you guys with your families literally brought tears to my eyes. Been a fan since the beginning and this may just be my all time favorite BSB song! Backstreet boys signature shirt I love this song!! Unfortunately, I can’t see videos anymore lost most of my vision anyhow, cannot wait to see you guys in Detroit!! Hope to meet you guys there to
I was 13 when you released your first album in Asia back in 1996, little did I know I am hooked for live! My taste in music have grown so much since then and eventhough I mostly listen to heavy metal these days but as soon as the BSB songs come on I just start being a total fan girl! I can’t help it! I feel like I have been a part of your journey and you without a doubt has been a big part of mine! Okay, so now the fight ensues with my 5 year old. She keeps muting my computer! Personal request: BSB sing Baby Shark…then maybe she’ll quit muting you guys!
They’ve had it at school too! And we do it at work. The song is EVERYWHERE! It actually doesn’t annoy me that much. They get a kick out of thinking they are annoying me! Well, guess what, I’ll annoy you right back! BSB FTW! Each new single is better and better! I can’t wait to listen to the album, and see you all on tour in #Indy. Good luck at the Grammys!! What are the chances A Grammy is long overdue?!? Even though my sixteen year old self is still devastated that I didn’t marry Brian, I am so super excited to see that we all made it and are alive and well. This is quickly rising to one of my faves!
Buy it now and hope you like it

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