it’s a natural thing for one species to have the milk of its mother. Humans drinking cows/goats/sheep’s milk isn’t right as it’s from another species so your question is pretty stupid to be fair The best kind of mom raises a teacher mix flower shirt You are so wrong! Read up on veganism! And why eat one and love the other? I hope you choose compassion and see the rewards of a vegan diet in the future
The best kind of mom raises a teacher mix flower shirt
Out of interest, have you done your research on the treatment of animals? What is your opinion on animal welfare? I stopped eating meat recently because i don’t like that chickens only live 29 days before slaughtered, lambs between 6 weeks and 6 months and the confinement they are given in the best of circumstances is extremely poor. I also know that as a human I am conscious of animal cruelty and that I can no longer allow myself to be part of something like that. The best kind of mom raises a teacher mix flower shirt if you want a protein source that perfectly matches your body, and will contains the exact same amino acids and enzymes as yours…try eating another human! Tastes great, comes in many varieties, and one human could keep a family fed for a long time. As for health, look at the speed and vitality of zombies in the modern zombie movies.
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Same reason other apes don’t have a multitude of stomachs I guess… Even if you have no compassion for animals… Meat and dairy industry is the number 1 cause of climate change and habitat destruction… Personally I don’t want to contribute to that… But I guess freedom of choice means those who choose flavour over planetary concern will ensure that we keep on this destructive path… Very sad You show me where I am wrong and omnivores have different digestive system from carnivores and herbivores. It is not just about carnivores and herbivores. Real scientific responses please. The argument should be to change the way we farm animals then. Industrialised animal farming is very wasteful. I guess we should go back to the old methods. Farm only what you need and make sure you eat every bit of it. The preference for chicken breast at KFC leads to killing more chickens than necessary.

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