everything is wrong about eating meat Dear Anne ! First of all our future generations won’t see a dying planet, secondly a plant based diet doesn’t miss any vitamins, proteins and fibre! The best kind of mom raises a teacher happy mother day shirt And most importantly a vegan life style is cruelty free! The way cows, pigs, chicken and all the rest of the animals are treated is horrible
The best kind of mom raises a teacher happy mother day shirt
the only existing reasons you or I would be able back up eating meat is that it’s cultural, addiction, tradition, it tastes good. THOSE are NOT excuses or something used to justify cunsuming and supporting an industry where the slaughter houses are really just terrible. You speak about scientific answers… Go and look up right now how a chicken nugget is made. I am guilty of occasionally eating meet. I’m in that battle with myself all the time. The best kind of mom raises a teacher happy mother day shirt But it is also scientifically backed up that it is the number 1 cause of heart deseases. Honestly I’d like to read some of the sources you talk about. I am really interested to see where you get your scientific information from? Because I’ll always give the other side a chance to speak out and prove their point, but right now I still haven’t seen you write a legit point.. or link a legit source.
Can you provide scientific evidence that we need meat? Or do you choose to support animal cruelty just because you like the taste of their flesh and do not give a fuck about how much suffering you are causing? Our digestion is not made for meat! Compare the intestines of carnivores like lions with ours and you will find that ours is much longer, to long for meat to be digestet quick enough. No wonder so many people are having cancer. So eating meat is natural? So then go and eat a bloody piece of unseasoned raw meat from an animal that you just killed with your own teeth right before. Do you think your teeth are made for that? this is the most uneducated thing I’ve ever read and I’m upset that it wasn’t written by a fourteen year old. Real medical evidence….. bless your heart, honestly I feel awful you were never educated on the effect of food on your body not just meat or dairy
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