why should they be against it? It is the natural food God designed for human babies. Mother’s day proud baseball mom flower shirt Unlike cow milk which is absolutely designed for cow babies! That’s why by the way it is not proper for the human body without pasteurization.
Mother’s day proud baseball mom flower shirt
There is nothing wrong with eating meat it is more than a cultural thing but because our digestive system was designed to eat both flesh and plant materials. Animals are bred for us to eat and one should not confuse this with having animals for pets. Do not allow yourself to be influenced by others. Be true to yourself and what is best for you. If Alyne doesn’t wish to eat meat that is her choice but she should not try to influence others. Mother’s day proud baseball mom flower shirt Look at REAL medical evidence regarding veganism and what is required to maintain good health. Maybe the extremists, but for most vegans, it is about consent from the animal. Adult human females are able to consent to breastfeeding, and it does not hurt anybody… Unless the baby can’t handle breast milk of course.
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Also, Anne Beckinsale, did you not watch the video? These people appear to eat a balanced, healthy, whole foods vegan diet (the best kind of diet). They are one of the healthiest cities in Israel. How are they not being healthy? Why should they eat meat if the are doing perfectly fine, if not better, than when they were eating meat? They aren’t telling you that you are bad to eat meat, but, honestly, everyone should cut down on the meat consumption, especially red meat. You don’t have to cut it out, and these people aren’t forcing you to. Not sure why you are so mad. we aren’t ‘designed’ for anything, we evolved to our environment. Our bodies thus are adapted to eating primarily plants and can handle small amounts of meat (80grams a day according to the latest nutrition conference I attended) and after that we start to see side effects (cancer, heart attacks etc).
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