Not natural. I have had and still have many colored friends. I don’t look at them as black. Some dog moms have tattoos thick thinks thin paticence and cuss too much it’s me I’m some dog moms shirt I look at them as people. The only time I think of racism is when crap like this is posted.
Some dog moms have tattoos thick thinks thin paticence and cuss too much it’s me I’m some dog moms shirt
No one ever knew. We were too scared to stand up to him or tell anyone for fear he’d get back at us the worst way possible. If you didn’t get perfect grades, beating. You spilled the jug of milk on accident? Beating time. Raised your voice or even showed a slight bit of anger on your face? Beating time. Either my PTSD diagnosis comes back to late from the army psychologist, Some dog moms have tattoos thick thinks thin paticence and cuss too much it’s me I’m some dog moms shirt or my bad back ankles hips knees and shoulders diagnoses take too long to come from the Texas department of assistive and rehabilitative services… Another excuse right now bad cops and good cops my friend let me tell ya something cops never been good cops aren’t never good and won’t never good cops are cops they don’t have friends
Take your time and get your new designs
A black mom called the police because a man put his hands on her son because he littered and what happened she got arrested! Another black women called the police for help for her mentally ill son and what happened when they got there THEY SHOT AND KILLED HIM! I’m sorry but the last people I’m calling is the police I’m trying to stay alive I’m white “privileged”. I had parents that wooped my a$$ when I was a kid. I still remember getting an woopin and my mouth washed out with soap when I said the “n” word. I was like five. Racism is taught.
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