Mahalo for the share i so needed this At some point everyone has to understand that their future depends upon themselves and Some mermoms have tattoos pretty eyes thick thights more fabulous and cuss too much shirt that they may have to work harder than someone else! You can blame others for your situation but that is only going to hold you back!
Some mermoms have tattoos pretty eyes thick thights more fabulous and cuss too much shirt
My thought after watching this video is … What exactly is he doing with his own son while he’s investing in all those late nights in his career, when he owns the company, etc. I get that he was divorced or whatever but he should still be doing all those things with his son that he had wished his father did with him, instead of focusing on being rich and successful. Some mermoms have tattoos pretty eyes thick thights more fabulous and cuss too much shirt So, I’m confused about the true inspirational message here hes making money off people feeling victimized” through his “motivational speeches” while blaming his father on his entire life, who ironically has caused him to be a famous millionaire.
People who love victimization do not see through this. Yes, both are bad. I believe the worst for a child is the father that on one hand says how much he loves then and then on the other hand treats you like this dad did. Makes for really messed up child as their reality is so confusing. No confusion with a dad that is just a ahole pretty much all the time. I take this and apply this to my life anything negative that was said to me from the pass from when i was just a lil girl i release it back to where it came from and i reprogram my mindset from today on and forward myself towards a better me.
Have a nice day and go shopping now

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