And why he’s having mercy on our souls, also have mercy on all those kids that’s dying of cancer they don’t have food, the ones getting shot up in the school’s for the kids getting molested Luckiest mom ever shirt for the people getting shot up in the church’s I hope he’s looking out for all them true believers.
Luckiest mom ever shirt
Yeah, well it’s obvious that he was waiting to waylay her and he probably dressed like a beggar in hopes that she’ll have pity on him and invite him in her home where she probably would’ve had to have gotten law enforcement to evacuate him, he had a nerve after the fact that threw his kid and her away like so much garbage and refused to help pay his kids’ medical bill, that’s
hurtful and if such happens to you. you will never know what you’ll do, you probably would’ve shot the bastard from the day he refused to help with his kids medical bills. No matter what your ex- husband does to you . Luckiest mom ever shirt You need to learn to forgive and help him when he ask for help!!! It written in the bible learn to forgive when people do you wrong!! I believe God will bless you more .That is the Christian way to do things!!!
God is NOT the author of confusion. He never promised us that life would be easy. He promised that he’d never leave nor forsake us. He never places anything on us he knows we can’t bare! sometimes people do things inadvertently… You may not know that you have wronged someone in someway. So you’re telling me you don’t and won’t apologize if someone brings your actions up to you? God is not the author of confusion! Yes i am an African American man and see things happen to my counterparts. I rejoice in the fact that HE has kept me and continues to keep me! It’s on you that you don’t believe in Him… But you will not discount my belief in God just because you don’t! I am just as entitled to my opinion that is influenced by my religion as you do…
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