Coming from someone who has been depressed and had suicidal thoughts; accepting Jesus in my life has truly been the best thing to ever happen. I’m not a mama bear I’m more of a mama horse like I’m pretty chill shirt The joy that comes from Him. Prayer works and the Bible works through the Holy Spirit. He cured me from the spirit of depression
I’m not a mama bear I’m more of a mama horse like I’m pretty chill shirt
Coming from someone who has been depressed and had suicidal thoughts; accepting Jesus in my life has truly been the best thing to ever happen. The joy that comes from Him. Prayer works and the Bible works through the Holy Spirit. He cured me from the spirit of depression God isn’t always enough. Prayer only feels like the worst bandaid solution. I live with depression. I’ve attempted 3x. With little success but what happens when, not if the 4th comes, I’m not a mama bear I’m more of a mama horse like I’m pretty chill shirt when it happens and there’s no one to rescue me. Depression is painful. You paint on what people expect of you but have little expectations for yourself. The voices that won’t shut up. You huddle in a corner praying that voice quit. Darkness is better because you don’t see anything. But the feelings become magnified. I am thankful for my church and God. But they won’t be the ones to save me at the end of the day. It’s my friends that listen to my mental struggles. It’s been 3 years since my last true mental breakdown. I feel one coming and all I can do is prepare and deal.
Take it and hope you love it
Yeah get off your high horse because you sound like an insensitive self righteous ass. Jesus ain’t here and whether or not you put him first if you have depression where he’s at in your life won’t matter. If prayer ever worked for mental illnesses there’d be none. Stop telling people this. It’s okay if you cannot empathize or understand but to pretend that there is a singular answer to someone’s woes in something intangible is just cruel and honestly ungodly. Faith without works is dead.
Why don’t you all understand god and Jesus put doctors researchers psychologists and psychiatrists on this earth with scientific passions to hell his children. You are all testing god by ally relying on what man told you to rely on Jesus wouldn’t jump off a temple because he knew testing god doesn’t work and that gravity would prevail over him testing. Think of that the next time you want to suggest scripture and Jesus for someone really suffering from something. You will sound less indifferent and apathetic to their needs in considering that
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