I just started treatment for metastatic breast cancer on Thursday at the age of 31, five days shy of my three year survivor anniversary. My mom always told me you can’t change the past shirt Praying that all my Stage IV sisters and I are able to treat this successfully and live long, healthy lives regardless of this diagnosis.
My mom always told me you can’t change the past shirt
have to say after reading the posts on all of the ONJ articles today…congratulations! You should be SO proud of the pink washing job you have done! It’s clear that not only does the majority of the general public have no idea what metastatic cancer is or means. …many many early stagers have no idea either. So congratulations – your years and years of ignoring mets, claiming early detection saves lives, My mom always told me you can’t change the past shirt and pushing pink crap for “awareness” has done it’s job. While I’m not disagreeing, there is other forms of breast cancer that also need awareness. Do you know anything about Metaplastic? More people know what metastasis is than they do metaplastic most my breast cancer friends I’ve made had no idea what it was until I was diagnosed with it. It’s the rarest of all the breast cancers.
Take this badass item and have a nice day
Get the word out there terri. That’s what we do with metastatic. No one wants to hear about it, it doesn’t fit into the pink, survivorship, early detection baloney but we push it and get it out there. So sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to her. I’ve been fighting for a year and a half (metastasized to liver; originally inflammatory breast cancer). I’m thankful that the Komen Foundation has pledged more resources toward research. I need a cure in my lifetime! I’m fiting a cancer since 2005 operated 13 times but still strong and praying constantly.And guess what I lost my husband 3 weeks ago metastasis from lung to brain to kidney lasted 31 days my friend 54 yrs Olivia keep fiting and pray a lot God lisnt
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