sansa was a lil kid n it was outta of her league to do anythg but she deserves to be punched in da face though and to answer ur question , Stitch king game of thrones shirt yes i do think she’d return to winterfell no matter what after all it’s her home n blood is thicker than water , plus the boltons which she thought they ruled winterfell r dead .
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It was Nymeria. Some people are negatively criticizing Theon but no one is analyzing the stare they had into each others eyes. Was she crying because she knew he was going to save himself or because she wanted him to save himself? Live to fight another day instead of possibly both of them dying. And can someone explain how Euron can see them them but they can’t see a giant 1000 ship fleet coming towards them? We’re talking about a 1000 ship built ridiculously fast with such craftsmanship and the people to sail them. Stitch king game of thrones shirt And the convenience of Euron’s fleet being in the right place at the right time with no one knowing. we’re talking about a freakin 1000 ships on the sea with no one knowing!In a behind-the-scenes interview
(available on HBO Go) released after Sunday’s episode aired, Benioff and Weiss explained that that line harks back to a Season 1 exchange between Arya and her father, Ned. The late, great Stark once told his daughter that she’d be a lady of a castle one day ― that she’d marry a lord in a “nice frilly dress” ― to which Arya responded passionately: “No, that’s not me.” Haven’t people learned that you can’t take anything at face value on this show? I agree that they shared a secret message between them before Theon jumped. He will ultimately take out his Uncle. Euron is the master of the seas. He is a mix of 2 characters just like Brandon stark and coldhands characters. Victarion greyjoy and euron greyjoy. Meaning he learnt some things possibly found the old valyrians somewhere and learnt some magic from them. He managed to make a load of ships out of his arse. Or while sailing the seas he became a leader of the pirates. There isn’t enough people to man all the ships so there has to be some alliance there. Possibly made a deal with the old slavers which had other ships not stolen by danaerys. And to know where they were going is something else.
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