Not all people who are religious will be hateful or judgemental. What I’m saying is that there is a dark side to it Daenerys targaryen our queen always and forever game of thrones shirt and can divide people as much as unite them. Nope, not because conservatives are bigots, thats false slander,
Daenerys targaryen our queen always and forever game of thrones shirt
Until Saturday night Omar Mateem was one of your law abiding mentally competent people who should be carrying a gun capable of shooting and killing a large quantity of people. But you’re right, easy access to weapons and ammunition couldn’t be a part of the problem at all. Same thing with all of the other legally purchased fire arms used in mass shootings. Daenerys targaryen our queen always and forever game of thrones shirt So it was the assault rifle that killed 50 it was a lunatic Muslim and it wasn’t the weapon! Furthermore we Americans have a right too own that assault rifle, pistol and shotgun
what will you do when the revolution starts bury your head in the sand Wake up people it will happen and you will be glad to have said weapons We can’t allow a Muslim pledged member of Isis for racism, ok I can see what your getting at, now we can’t allow a homophobic racist to cause people to stir in arms over gun control either. You can’t have it both ways. Yes, hate does indeed have religion. Religion gives bigots a feeling of righteousness when they commit heinous acts. Zealots the world over do terrible things in the name of Religion. If a person is raised or indoctrinated into believing something is abominable in the eyes of their deity it becomes part of their mental landscape.
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