Same for everything else. They showed us Tormund did indeed live, and that Edd was with him. They showed us that young Ned Umber had died when he arrived home. Direwolf best character names game of thrones shirt That’s to show us the Night King isn’t far away. And it showed for the most part, everyone’s reactions to seeing each other after all these years . It was a natural episode.
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I agree with you, and I believe by the time the show is over, we will see more action than we could have imagined. I loved the episode last night, and there had to be an episode where these actors could come together. If people want battles, they will get battles. But, part of the reason we all love this show so much is because of the relationships. A lot of people get overhyped from youtube fan channels and all that these days. Though to be fair i expected a longer episode Direwolf best character names game of thrones shirt with it being a short and final season. This might have been shorter than the premier episode after you take out the catch up at the start and the trailer for whatever random show i wont watch at the end. Far from the movie sized episode HBO hyped..
But even with them only having six episodes to tell a story it doesn’t give them an excuse for poor dialogue, pacing issues and all around cringeworthy show they gave us last night. Last night was like a hallmark movie with dragons, even the acting was subpar. The show lacks complexity these days. It’s all fan service to bandwagon fans. D&D have been dumbing the show down for the past couple of seasons. I’m just happy it’s back on and honestly I thought last nights episode was perfect for s season premiere John found out who he really is him and Danny Rode the dragons idk I thought it was a good episode can’t wait for next Sunday Yes you said it perfectly!! This has been one of the best storylines ever and I’m beyond excited for this season as much as I’m sad it’ll be over! The entire cast has been phenomenal at portraying their characters! I love them all as much as I hate some
Get it and hope you enjoy it

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