I don’t think Bran has any ill will towards Jamie. I don’t think he can any towards anyone. I think that he recognizing Jamie pushing him out of the window as being essential to him Game of thrones arya’s kill list shirt becoming the three eyed raven. I imagine that he will be the one to save Jamie from everyone else next episode.
Game of thrones arya’s kill list shirt
I was thinking something similar to that. Bran doesn’t see himself as Bran anymore, so he wouldn’t be mad at Jamie for what he did to Bran. I can’t wait for the next episode. His scenes were pure perfection. He was the episodes MVP. Jaime seeing Bran though, for me, looked like he had sadness in his eyes. He has not seen Bran since that day, and I feel he had a look of “what did I do to this kid”? Bran sees everything but feels nothing, Game of thrones arya’s kill list shirt and knowing that Jaime was the one to push him from the window is just one of many facts he now has access to. He would also be able to see how much Jaime has changed since his first visit to Winterfell. The sadness and remorse we see on Jaime’s face isn’t something the old Jaime would have been capable of feeling. But it’s clear he very much regrets what he did to Bran, and how it’s just one of many horrible things he was once willing to do for Cersei.
There is also proof of Rhaegar’s annulment of his marriage to Elia Martell and his and Lyanna’s secret marriage that Gilly discovered at The Citadel. I’m guessing that’s one of the books that Sam “borrowed” to bring to Winterfell. The Targaryen family has a long history of incestual relationships. Dany herself is the product of brother/sister relations. I don’t think they would care to much. I think they were just concerned about their momma. Both were amazing scenes for our Sam! One utterly heartbreaking and the other just perfect, John Bradley really ran the whole gambit of different emotions in just two scenes. Amazing performance! Loved him with Jon as well. He showed strength and was not just in awe of Jon. I love him as a character, you can’t help but root for him. I think Sam is going to be huge this season, he’s going to bring out some characteristics we didn’t see before.
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