the racial divide dies not separate by religious belief and though i’m sure they dint want to classified as white, the jewish are considered white. Game of thrones thank you for the memories signatures shirt they certainly don’t identify as hispanic asian, latino or pacific islander/ me to e american..
Game of thrones thank you for the memories signatures shirt
mississippi is dead last in practically every economic indicator because of republicans. last time i checked, the governor, leutinent governor, attorney general and most of ghe congressional delegation, for the exception of bennie thompson, were republican. for every dollar mississippi sends to washington, the republicans use their grimy hands to make sure that they send $3 back to the state. Game of thrones thank you for the memories signatures shirt i have thought we should voluntarily resegregate run our own schools hospitals and stores. every i mean every race pays premium prices to trade with each other .we could do the same; but of course we can’t because we are also corrupt capitalist who view democratic socialism the same way capitalism views tax increases. like i said, i work for the govt.
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i process the applications and see the benefits system. i’m not sure if you’re calling me a liar, but in the event that you are, if you don’t work for the system then you can simply miss miss me with that. i have no reason to lie on, lie to, or lie for the system and certainly have no reason to lie on the public. what i do have issue with though, is when the public is lied to to fit these racist neanderthals hateful agendas and narratives and when black people are lied on to fit theor narrow minded agendas as though white people are superior and don’t receive benefits ehen as instated they are the majority receiving.

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