I don’t think so. He was a child at the time, alone on the streets of Rome. I ride horses because they dont make dragons anymore game of thrones shirt Nobody, and surely not a police station, would turn down and refuse to help an 11-12 years old child, not even today. At least I hope so.
I ride horses because they dont make dragons anymore game of thrones shirt
yes you are. I spend 7 months in Italy for work and I was stopped several times in the streets by ppl complementing my loiks(I am Muslim and wear hijab) and ppl chatting about the weather. I made many good friends. It was a pleasant stay You’re getting your happy ending and we are getting to enjoy it with you! I ride horses because they dont make dragons anymore game of thrones shirt Yay for you and well done for Italy being decent humans!! Someone needs to tell us when you’re a chef and where. Big hugs and lots of love to your foster family This is how all who seek refuge and a better life should be treated. To the young aspiring chef: with your pluck & work ethic, I have no doubt that you’ll go far. May you be richly blessed on your path.
This is the story for a vast majority of immigrants whether they enter legally or not. The difference is how we treat them when they arrive. The U.S has a lot to learn, sadly gathering it’s history; I doubt they’ll ever get there. Kudos to you Chef! Hope to be eating in your Michelin starred restaurant one day when I return to Italy! you do realize that Italy has routinely returned ships away and won’t accept any more refugees. They opened their borders briefly but haven’t accepted any for awhile. The amount of people they were taking in has completely overwhelmed the country. I’m glad it worked for this guy but not all countries are exactly this welcoming anymore.
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