I really don’t know. The historical payment of compensation to slave owners is a disgraceful and disgusting blot on the record of British government, House ketchum gotta catch’em all shirt but in the political context of the time possibly the abolition of slavery in the Carribean couldn’t have been achieved without it, given that it needed political support in aristocratic
House ketchum gotta catch’em all shirt
and business circles in Britain, which wasn’t yet a democracy. Not something to be proud of, but a bit of realpolitik. it might not have been clear but that last post of mine was in reply to Selom Dzotsi who asked my opinion about the question of paying compensation to Caribbean countries given the atrocities of slavery given the historical payment of compensation to slave owners at the time of abolition. House ketchum gotta catch’em all shirt My answer was supposed to indicate that I don’t know the right answer on the payment of compensation now, I think the payment of compensation to slave owners was morally wrong in the strongest terms, but that in realpolitik terms it may have been necessary
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because the legislation wouldn’t have got passed without it. Rasta Baana might think that is polishit, but then legislation then had to get passed by politicians who were even more corrupt, venal bastards than most politicians today, so polishit or not it’s probably true, irrespective of the morality of it. Doesn’t mean I approve of it. like what is your purpose here. What You are saying is based on your particular ethic point of view, like Kemit had a history of slavery which it did not. No African civilization had a “history” of “slavery”. That kind of talk is that age old trick of putting some of the blame on the victim like they try to do with women in rape cases.

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