That’s so right. My husband have no problem missing so me things in our life. We are best friends and have fun with no money. We had 0 when we were first married. Original billie eilish shirt So that is part of who we are now. Guess what those years in a basement apartment with our baby in our room was the best years of our lives
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for this reminder a video that is so true sometimes I forget where we come from and how we got to the top does it mean that we won’t fall back to the bottom so look at everyday is a blessing pink eye for all that you have unabridged a you wake up to see another day last week my husband and I bumped into my x boyfriend, I greeted him with a big smile and a hug, my husband does not know him, and I introduced him, that is the man that lead me to Christ, I am now a Pastor and God used that man to win my soul, I am forever grateful to that man for showing me the light. Original billie eilish shirt This is the second vid of you am coming across now, and I loved it too What is wrong whit the construction worker…i would go whit him. Miljonairs are so bouring. Sorry for the Bad englis it is not my languets
I once knew a man who seemed to “have it all” and even had a Rolls Royce shipped to him, which he proudly drove his family to our church for Sunday worship service every week. On the outside he looked very prosperous, as he was in real estate, and his family wore nice things and his wife wore jewelry on every finger. Then we suddenly heard he’d committed suicide in that very car he was so proud of. He wasn’t rich, or even well off, but was so deeply in debt he saw no way out. I was in my early 20s and newly married when that happened and we surrounded his surviving family with support and love for many years, as his wife and their grown children struggled to pay off the debts he had left them burdened with.
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