It taught me a HUGE lesson that we should never take people at face value. When I see a nice home or a nice car, I say that I see a huge amount of debt those Billie eilish ocean eyes shirt people have hanging over their heads! That’s the true nature of their lives because they’re living on their credit cards to have a “lifestyle”.
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My husband and I cut our cards up after the lesson that man’s mistake taught us. We paid off our cards. We pay cash/debit card only. If we need something large, we have ONE card and we pay it off before anything else goes on it. Our cars are paid for and my husband makes sure they’re well maintained and in good running order at all times. We’re retired and on a strict income but our mortgage doesn’t hurt Billie eilish ocean eyes shirt because we’ve been here nearly 20 years and had been paying an extra months mortgage payment for many years while we were still working so a great deal of what we’re paying now goes toward the principle. We don’t want to leave our children in a financial mess like our friend did all those years ago.
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What happened to the man, who committed suicide, was very tragic and even more so for those who were left behind. I hope your story and my videos will help other people. don’t ever think that you’re better than anyone else cuz we all come into the world with nothing and we all going to make something of ourselves and like you says we all go to the same grade they’re all the same size I really enjoyed this video That is a wonderful video, is true remember always were you come from no matter what you have because God could give you everything but in a second he could take it always I’m bless with what I have and thank full to God that is so true. I was in that situation. I had a good job made great money and got to the point where I acted just like the man in this video. I looked down on people that had less than me. Then I lost everything. Now I’m better off than I was before. But now I do what I can to help others. I’ll never be the old person I was before

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