I feel your words and unfortunately Understand them well. I am exhausted in Mind, Body and Spirit. Keith richards kanye west never heard of her shirt I give all that I am 50+ hrs a week and 4 – 14 hr Nights a month on call as well that go straight into another 10 hr highly stressed day…. we need support, appreciation, help, and Hey maybe even a real 15 min break too!
Keith richards kanye west never heard of her shirt
I totally agree with you. Post the age of 50, we are not respected at work and are easily replaceable and hence feel threatened. I quit my job gracefully much before my retirement as there was lack of motivation and respect rather than being handed over the pink slip. The younger generation does ridicule us at times at work as we are not at par with their techie knowledge and even comment that we are fixtures in the organisation if we hang on to the same company beyond 2 years. Keith richards kanye west never heard of her shirt I can honestly say I a glad I am retired now. Had the most wonderful work life and would do it all over again if I could. Now it is all money and no thought for anything else or so it seems to me.
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Unrealistic expectations are a very real thing. In the medical/nursing world unrealistic expectations = understaffing and unclear/unfair job descriptions… nurses have to wear every single hat in the book to satisfy the role but no one really acknowledges that. Since starting work in a clinic over a year ago I have realized how important it is to stand up for my own personal needs and work/life balance. The need to take a break… to take lunch…to get off work when you are supposed to because you actually have responsibilities to people at home but also to yourself. These things should not be looked at in a negative light… but as something you do because you value yourself as a person and you value your life at home with your family. That fish market movie most places show to employees as motivation to create a positive work environment only works if the employer actually encourages self care through their work conditions.
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