I was thinking the same thing. I was a single mom for 10 years and 8 of those years I stayed home I’d rather be drinking ranch shirt but worked from home. So between working from home, daily house chores and my sons activities was a lot on my plate I was non stop…
I’d rather be drinking ranch shirt
The kids are fighting? It’s your job to not only break it up, but to teach them necessary life skills from it. Are the kids getting enough exercise? Stimulation? Emotional, psychological, intellectual, physical needs taken care of? Are you working on strengthening their weaknesses and cultivating their strengths? Because all of this takes research and untold amounts of energy to follow through with. I would not compare my job with my husband’s I’d rather be drinking ranch shirt because his is just as hard and I am not cut-out for the kind of work he does, but anyone who says being a stay-at-home parent is easy is obviously not taking their job very seriously. It is a full-time job and should be taking all your energy if you’re doing it right.
And sorry, but I have worked out of the home, and it’s much easier where you’re appreciated and have your work validated with a paycheque. When you don’t have to deal with other snot-nosed women and clueless men claiming that your job is so easy. Stay-at-home parents who are doing their jobs are providing a valuable service to the community. Raising responsible and decent human beings is a tough, non-stop job. And I think we can all see the condition our society is in now because so many of our own parents prioritized paid work over parenting. Nothing like abdicating your responsibilities and passing them off on to the state. Now we have the generation of “safe spaces” and me, me, me. Devoid of any morals or personal responsibility. All about muh feelings.
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