The biggest problem is that you only think there is a problem, there’s always a solution in front of you, you create problem yourself I lick the salt swallow the tequila and suck the lime shirt but you do it even tho you don’t realize yourself If you have death always on your mind, prepare a will. No body knows when it will come. We actually live to die. It’s that simple.
I lick the salt swallow the tequila and suck the lime shirt
It’s not about doing great things every single day. It’s the little things that mount up to something great. Committing to your dream every day even if it’s just a tiny thing that feels like nothing, is going to make you achieve great things in the long run and it will give you the peace of knowing that you are on your purpose. After watching this video, I asked myself what I would do different if I had only 5 years to live. Obviously I would shift focus between my different activities depending on if I have 5 days 5 years or 50 years left. But the way I’m living my live wouldn’t change much, I lick the salt swallow the tequila and suck the lime shirt cause by doing what i said before, I’m already on my path. How long it will be won’t change much on its direction. And that’s the secret to living a live with inner peace and fulfillment. As for one of the previous commenters, for me faith is a major part of this path/journey But I believe everyone has to find his or her own way independently from others and then follow it step by step, even if the steps are very small on some days.
Get your tee and choose your color

what its saying is dont be frightend of dying it may not be the end end and no u caunt always be having fun but be positive nd injoy life as often as posible nd dont bother living in the past live for the now We all are battling the fight with time. Because we believe don’t fear death and if you don’t fear it then it will hit faster than a car wreck. Trying to live the best that we can so we can enjoy the wonders that life has to offer, but on the other hand we have to suffer more because of unfortunate circumstances that questions everything about it. It’s easy for some to say everyone has a purpose in life, when you feel as if there isn’t one.

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