The snake died because of its instinct. Not because of “anger”. Dog lover boston terrier dog shirt This is a fucking joke. Instinct drove it to defend itself from something thaylt presented itself as a danger to the snake. So stop projecting human emotions and morality on animals. It’s retarded.
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Anger gives you focus, makes you stronger at first. The problem is that it can’t be controlled and you start loosing focus. Then ends in self destruction; against you. Not easy to keep calm, reacting to everything, but it can be learned; through meditation and self discipline, becoming stronger and wiser with focus and control, till nothing and no one, can distract you from your own self. Conquer anger, be a winner…. Dog lover boston terrier dog shirt This is misleading a snake is cold blooded animal and prey on warm blooded alive animals a snake would not mistakenly wrapped around an axe
because it is cold and do not move. A senseless story projecting human emotion onto a naturally sociopathic reptile in a ridiculous story about a snake attacking an inanimate tool. This is not wisdom, it’s bait for foolish people who think that make believe = wisdom. I don’t know which is worse, attempting to teach someone with something like this or that someone went to the trouble to animate it.