and then after his next job he comes home up 11 he spends about 3 hours at home besides whenever he goes to sleep and he wakes up whenever he wants so tell me how is doing all this and grocery shopping More smoke please shirt and planning for all this other stuff and we hardly get to eat or even take s**** not a real job does cleaning and taking care of a child and cooking and stuff and all this other things trying to make sure
More smoke please shirt
My day starts from 4:30 in the morning feeding time then obviously you can’t go right back to sleep so it’s like five whenever you finally fall asleep then you wake up at 7:30 play with the baby next then around 8:30 or 9 I make my husband breakfast and I get his clothes out for work and we spend a little bit of the time until he goes to work a few hours later and just spend time together then I clean up the house because obviously when you spend time together More smoke please shirt and you’re not going to clean your house when you’re trying to hang out with your hubby and your daughter all day and then whenever he leaves
I get to clean in then my daughter is hungry for actual food food I have to do that clean the dishes do the laundry obviously because you’re not going on what smelly ass clothes in your laundry basket and then write down everything wipe all the food and snacks and all the crap everywhere sweep mop vacuum white down the kitchen bathroom pick up miscellaneous things pick up things do the dishes make sure that you have lunch for him whenever he comes home from work if he then he comes home from work I make him lunch he makes a mess in the house obviously going to take a shower and stuff and muddy coming home and everything then hangs out for a few more minutes and then leaves again for his next job
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