He was 55 years old and died unexpectedly. We thought we had more time. I am still struggling because I was going to do that but then you told me to norwegian shirt I miss him so much and wish we had more time, more seconds, more minutes, more hours, more days. Thank you for your messages.
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I think time enjoyed wasting regardless of whatever one is doing, is not a waste of time because in the end you always regret the things you didn’t do in your life, so if you want to do something just do it, even if it’s standing in the mirror looking at yourself for however long you want. But make sure that it is worth it and you wont end up regretting it. I was going to do that but then you told me to norwegian shirt Thats how you find For me it is that simple and it applies to every situation in life I’ve been blessed with wise parents who always applied reasoning to our upbringing this we’ve been aware of the importance of time, and having goals loving friends & family who we treasure, & certainly wouldn’t be foolish & waste our own life or time
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The only time we can spend talking and working out our issues problems is his day off. But sadly.. He still don’t have time for that. He would spend it more with his friends than me. Time is controlled by prayers.Alternative is what we are answerable to leaving all on the altar.There is a maker if time.That has made riches hidden continue to be unravelled.Have a date with the master. I’m new to your posts, which I love. Please can you post something soon for the teenagers and the effects of social media. Its so important right now.

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