And for those who have been wounded too deeply to let go on their own, I highly recommend EMDR trauma therapy. It’s how I became free after being raised I put my babe up on my hip shirt by 2 abusive narcissist parents. Choosing to forgive was not possible when my trauma was buried alive inside of me.
I put my babe up on my hip shirt
the physical stress response we feel when triggered so it’s literally treating your nervous system. If you feel a physical response when you think of your trauma, EMDR can very likely help you! There are some wonderful EMDR FB support groups too if you search. you can be free! I didn’t even know it was possible. I thought trauma was just a luck of the draw sort of thing that we had to deal with our entire life. I try to share as often as possible I put my babe up on my hip shirt with others that they can be free too. Same!! I used that. I ended up stopping half way because of me moving but it was an amazing experience and helped me in my own path of letting things go. I had a narcissistic “friend” use me. When in the video he says put yourself in their shoes all I think is that I wouldn’t have done those malicious things the narcissist did. You know what I mean?
Hang out and enjoy this item
I’ve got to agree , sometimes letting go requires facing what has become locked inside you. Also sometimes people supress/ repress pain anger etc. How can we let go if we don’t know what we are letting go of. Facing what is inside when its so fucking hard is one of the bravest things one can do. Note that facing this is not something to be forced ( i tried this ) but allowing yourself the time , love and understanding to process. Forgiving sometimes feels like the other person is getting away with murder. How do you forgive when you can’t forget? How can you erase the bad memories and stop the hurt from going into your heart? It’s a harmful cycle. by bringing them into your conscious, feeling them, naming them and then releasing them. By suppressing them they will only rise up to face you at another point in time. You may have to do this over and over and over again. Until one day you realize it no longer has power over you.
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