To me it just seems like they decided to kill off whoever they possibility could to keep to a budget including another dragon, Game of thrones house targaryen bend the knee house stark nope shirt i agree the plot has no direction now it’s just racing to end it in 6 episodes i knew this would happen.
Game of thrones house targaryen bend the knee house stark nope shirt
based on the trailer, I think they found a great way to protect drogon. On the teaser for ep 5, you’ll see Euron covering his eyes from a light while you can hear drogon on the background. I think they positioned Drogon between the Sun and the castle, if the sun is at the line of sight of that arrow, it would be impossible to aim drogon accurately It would be so cool to see Rhaegal wounded but alive. But judging with the shots he took (first in the chest, then pierced his left wing, and last arrow through his neck), it looks like he is gone. Also, I dont think there are more dragons. Game of thrones house targaryen bend the knee house stark nope shirt Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion all hatched because of blood magic – a life for a life. The life of Mirri Maz Dur for Viserion, life of Khal Drogo for Drogon, and life of Dany’s unborn child for Rhaegal.
If you look closely, the Dragon-killing catapults were located on the bow of the Kraken ships. She could have eradicated those ships by attacking from behind. Even if the catapults could swivel, the sails would have prevented an accurate aiming. She is strong-willed and strategically savvy, but tactically, she is not a good field commander. So hatching dragons without blood magic is next to impossible. What Euron might be seeing though is Yara’s fleet probably with what’s left of Dany’s army (maybe with Daario and the 2nd Sons). Still hoping it would be Rhaegal tho, but we have to remind ourselves it’s GoT. Everyone forgets when Tyrion and Jorah went through old Valeryia and Drogon (maybe) was there. I think there could possibly be more??
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