The “radical” left democrats knew it was all bullshit all along and wished the media and our politician focused on his REAL crimes. Game of thrones I am a school bus driver of course I’m crazy do you think sane person shirt It was the moderate assholes and the media (Russia Maddow and the likes) who invented the red scare, who was so butt hurt that Clinton lost the most winnable election in history to a guy who says “I have the best words”.
Game of thrones I am a school bus driver of course I’m crazy do you think sane person shirt
If HBO and the show have a problem with this.. then fricking sue him.. but whining about it over and over again is irritating.. I can’t stand the fool, but he doesn’t stop anything until he is literally SUED … so sue him already To all the Trumpers claiming that the case against Trump is disproven, dead, or false: I’m going to assume you’ve read the full unredacted Report and are able & willing to provide a complete, unbiased, expert legal analysis of the Report’s findings. Game of thrones I am a school bus driver of course I’m crazy do you think sane person shirt You are really ignorant if you and other Lib goons think that Obama didnt start all of this and Barr and his team are working on Crooked Hillary, BO and rest of slime in his administration who were part of this crime farce
Okay, have you read the full unredacted report to support your claims? Are you providing a full unbiased legal analysis to back your viewpoints? Hold yourself to your own standards before requiring someone to fulfill impossible prerequisites to have an opinion. Dying on this hill is a great way to get 4 more years of Trump and believe it or not neither of us want that. I agree with you. I have not had the time to read and digest the entire report to synthesize a statement yet, but I am reserving conclusions until I have done so. I just find it interesting that Trumpers hear the kowtowing from Barr & Fox “News” and are ready to accept it as gospel.
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