From the lore a scorpion bolt shouldn’t be able to penetrate dragon scales. Them killing him off that episode was very stupid and made no sense. Game of thrones drogon nike just dracarys it shirt The only way to kill a dragon that way is through the eye. Possible through an open mouth but the eye is the one I remember.
Game of thrones drogon nike just dracarys it shirt
She really should have flown the dragons at night under cloud cover and then burn the entire fleet down. Rhaegal dying was so unnecessary and cruel. Just keep the dragon out of range of those machines. How did Cersei finance all of those new weapons anyway? the theories are always better than what actually happens so I wouldn’t hold your breath.. game of thrones is incredible, but it could of been so much better with better and more talented writers.. Game of thrones drogon nike just dracarys it shirt these guys were very good at adaptation.. they are truly awful at making up their own plots they said it will take John and Fortnight to reach king’s landing. In the promo they show him already there so they had 2 weeks to make him the amor. Seems doable.
There are such weapons that can pierce dragon scale. In the series Dragonlance, it was just that. A lance that was used on dragons. So to Bret Miller, there are such things. And these aren’t even dragons. They’re wyverns. Their scales could be less thick than a full grown dragon. It’s not like she wasn’t aware of such a weapon as Dany faced it once before and Drogon took a hit then. She should have known there would be more, and I’m sure Jamie would have known his sister had plans to make more from the very beginning. Why didn’t he or Tyrion speak up about this possibility? I mean seriously.. he can’t see into the future only the past and present so even if he did warg and see what was happening at that moment he could hardly of picked up a phone and gave them a heads up!
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