let’s not forget that Kings Landing is full of wild fire under the city. And there are people who know that from the orher side. One dragon breath even if it is his last one and … kaboom! Game of thrones crows before hoes shirt there goes Cercei. Karma irony since she burnt her own city! Although I believe that Jaime will be the one to take her down!
Game of thrones crows before hoes shirt
I was disappointed in this episode. Not up to scratch with dialogue as it used to be. Fed up that another dragon died for no reason except that it wasn’t focused on the danger around it, usually responding with fire. I mean, he wrote the 4th and 5th book, and they weren’t that great, especially Feast. It went downhill after Storm (3rd and 4th TV season basically), and so did the show, starting with the 5th season. 6th season was not bad considering its not based on books, Game of thrones crows before hoes shirt but 7th and 8th have been… Eh. Better than nothing! I was thinking the same thing, it’s not like she doesn’t have a dragon to fly aroundon, and take a look at things for the boat. Speaking of, why does she go on the boat the whole way way, why doesn’t she just fly ahead on her dragon, with a bodyguard on her lap??
Take your time and get your tee
Well I wish she was still involved because it shaping up to be the worst ending ever. There’s only two episodes left. And what they’re doing to Danny behind her back I did not see any of that coming. I didn’t see the dragon dying twice. You think he’s dead in Episode three no he dies in episode four because Uron always know where they are. Right! Dumb! I love this I remember when I first started watching it most people hadn’t heard of it yet. Because it wasn’t a big thing at first it turned into that. Now I am thinking why did I watch this for all these years only to have my favorite character be destroyed
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