So now acknowledging a legit disability is wrong now? Its not a slur. Vintage being a mom is an honor being a grandma is priceless shirt I have limited vision. I have no issue acknowledging that I have a disability. Good grief. Its a fact not an insult.
Vintage being a mom is an honor being a grandma is priceless shirt
They are not disabled, are you aware of what that word actually means? They are fully able to live and enjoy life as they want to. They have an extra chromosome and perhaps mild learning difficulties however they don’t have learning disabilities or are disabled. I think you need to educate yourself a tad more on the definition of certain words before labelling people Why on earth would you say that someone who is disabled, isn’t? Vintage being a mom is an honor being a grandma is priceless shirt What’s your issue with disability, that you would deny us our label if we’re nice enough or ‘normal ‘ enough? Why can’t we be disabled and good people? And what does that say about the people you are willing to call disabled?
Take ur time and get your badass designs

it’s okay to say someone has a disability. Factually they do have a developmental disability…. and it’s okay to say that. I’m not completely sure you know what a disability is…. it keeps you from living your life as easily as other people…. I have met so many people with disabilities and non of them mind that or mind if people ask them questions or talk to them about it. I as a medical assistant/LVN I say they have a disability but those who have that particular one know more love than most people and they can progress beyond it I read of a girl who has Down syndrome who started her own business
and some other stories of their successes it’s not right to label the people in this world should label themselves exactly as they are racist, judgemental want you to be like them they’re junkies you’d never see someone with Down syndrome doing shit like that I seen one being picked on , on the bus and I damn sure stood up for him he was a very nice young man polite orderly and ignoring the older man harassing him but I put an end to it I also have a disability so I understand completely
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