Having a husband is not like having a degree I thank God am in a place where I can choose to be married , It’s all messy my hair the house the kids mom life shirt and no one is going to penalize me, am happy for you married people, married or no married , we are all in the same world.
It’s all messy my hair the house the kids mom life shirt
too late to be a gold digger, am almost 60, you can sound the alert all you want, Baby it’s not for me , wish I was younger, I won’t mind been one, but now am to old, no one will buy now , that’s why I have a job, family and husband. Get to my age, you will thank God to have a face like mine, have get to the point that I don’t get angry when people talk about my looks, no one stays beautiful for ever as time goes on our petal falls and it depends on how you handle it , so talk abut something I don’t know, I was beautiful when I was younger so now , it doesn’t matter have learn to enjoy my looks, if people don’t want to see me all they can do is close there eyes when they see me coming, so I don’t care if you talk about my looks. It’s all messy my hair the house the kids mom life shirt You don’t know me neither do I , we may never meet so I don’t care of any one of your opinions, hey this is FB everyone have opinions so I don’t care , I can give and I can take!!!!
that what you think and that your opinion, am good and happy and enjoying my husband.dont be jealous of me you own will come one day, hey I don’t care what any of you feel or think about me, I have all I needed in my life and I thank God for that, you can curse or hate me , it doesn’t matter, because none of you have to contribute to my life.so go ahead and keep sending the insult, make sure you tell me words that I have never heard before Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Someone may choose material wealth over love and that is their right so before you decide to bash someone because they dont line up with your cookie cutter image of how someone should think or act or look maybe you should think that there is a reason for the way that they are. I mean i would love to have a love like this. But if i never get that then I am finally ok with that. It may suck but i can accept it. So ms. Silvia Pearce you rock on girl. And to everyone else. I have never met this lady and i do not know her at all but i can spot sorry ass bullies from a mile away. So unless you are in someones life back up and twke a long look in the mirror as to how you look and how if someone said this to you how would you feel
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