I am so filled with God’s love and blessings and what Jesus puts in our hearts it will come out of us too be shared with God’s lost children who are going home one day with us too OUR HOME in Heaven! Phenomenal woman shirt This Movie was a blessing also it touched the hearts of many and it was so needed and I believe that this was the work of Men and Women who were led by the Holy Spirit!
Phenomenal woman shirt
sometime ago at 9 PM every night everyone would pray for our nation. I set my alarm and it goes off at 9 PM and I pray and I also am hoping there are other still keeping this promise. The word says if two or more are gathered together in my name and ask anything it shall be given them so I am asking everyone please set your alarm for 9 PM every night and Pray and we can help save America together. I am on Eastern time that is when I pray. Phenomenal woman shirt May we look to God to use us! To interfere with the plans of the enemy to kill, steal and destroy. But through the word of God, share forgiveness and Love The unbeliever, the lost will come back to our wonderful, mercy full maker. I pray through the blood of Jesus for our Children and Families,Friends and Nations.
Raise them up Lord!!! The best prayer ever for these next generations! I’m praying and claiming this for my children and grandchildren.I know my #1 purpose is to be a prayer warrior for them and pray I will live to see them sold out, surrendered to the Lord, and making a difference in this world for the kingdom of God! God is amazing. He has protected and shown me true love and mercy my entire life. I would have nothing without him. Jesus Christ is truly the real way to know our awesome Heavenly Father. What a great testimony, God works his miracles every day every where in anybody that he choosesand calls on his name.. yes this prayer put me in tears to and I’m at work with a classroom full of children that I pray will leave here anointed today.. Amen God bless you and your family
That’s why we need more pastors like mine that has the fire for the Lord and I don’t find that many pastors around like that you need to come mont Carmel Bible church in Carmel New York praise the Lord and give God all the praise we’re having a fun day on Saturday morning start about 11 o’clock then you can meet the pastor that’s on fire for the Lord I wish that too for you and me. We have to thoroughly believe God’s Words. One of those Scriptures says that “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” Just try believing in Him completely; and I have to do the same also. I would have love to had an opportunity to meet this phenomenal women, yes she did teach us ladies how to love our self, to have confidence, and believe in us, she was the phenomenal women of all times.
Get it and hang out with it

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