It’s too easy to let somthing so meaningless get in the way of what isn’t. I’m a simple woman I love sunshine elephants and dogs shirt They should feel comfortable in picking up each others stuff. Before smart phones and computers, it was never a problem. So why is it now?
I’m a simple woman I love sunshine elephants and dogs shirt
From my personal experience, the woman comes from multiple shitty relationships and then gets into a great one and just can’t figure out how to make it work. Some people just don’t know how to respect a man/woman that treats them right. I had a professor one time tell me he had a woman break up with him. He asked her why. She said because you treat me too good and I don’t know what to do with it. We have to remember to give our other half the benefit of the doubt that they will do the right thing. And if you can’t do that then it may be time to move on. I’m a simple woman I love sunshine elephants and dogs shirt Just my two cents from a guy who hasn’t ever been a cheater but been cheated on. Why wouldn’t you have a mutual respect and trust of an open door policy? If married, anyway. In a relationship of that standard where you are one, everything i do i do openly. If you want to know about it I’ll tell you. If it makes you mistrust or feel insecure, let’s talk about why and fix the issues on both ends.
Have a good day and take it

First off, if he was cheating he wouldn’t be leaving his phone UNLOCKED right in front of his gf. He had nothing to hide and that’s how relationships should be. But when she asked he should have said who it was and help her with her insecurities. That’s what a relationship is. Being open and honest about everything is how trust is gained. The only thing a agree with is that it can take seconds to lose someone’s trust and sometimes it can’t be brought back. Usually in relationships if they cheated once they’re going to do it again and again and again. You already know the thought of being with someone else is there, they’re just not acting on it. That’s my experience anyway

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