My dad, may he rest in peace, always said, “as long as you have life, and you can, do it!” My life has always been service-centered and If you think I’m a bitch you should meet my bestfriend shirt I cannot imagine doing things solely for selfish purposes. Thank you for sharing this message; I will share the video!!
If you think I’m a bitch you should meet my bestfriend shirt
I always says whenever I speak that, we all are here to help each other anyway we can to have a pleasant journey of life for us and for others.So just GIVE and HELP as much as you can.A person Who lived well for others,otherwise people comes and goes all the time but the only thing what is left,Is in memories,so be A PERSON good to remember. If only it were that simple for all. What a,world we would live in. My children would be able to see so many beautiful things and appreciate what we as a population have not. So many extinct animals, yes we should be giving and not taking. If you think I’m a bitch you should meet my bestfriend shirt Love listening to you Jay Shetty..On this topic of giving, ive always been a giver, always will be, Im so happy with myself being that way..Then theres takers, how these people live happy lives i do not understand
The world is a very selfish place. A lot of takers and fakers and imitators. I learned that I will give to those I know will not harm me. Occasionally I make homemade meals and bring leftovers to NYC to give to homeless people. I have no regrets and am happy to do it to help others have some kind of comfort. I wouldn’t have to think about “what’s in it for me in return?” Just serve the right people who are in dire need. Don’t serve the wrong people who have selfish intentions. God knows my heart and sees my deeds I have done. That’s all that matters. My reward is through Christ. No one else.
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