I’d love to say that I’d forgive, but the truth is, Never mess with a new hampshire girl we know places where no one will find you shirt I’ve already lost a child due to something out of my control or anyone else’s control, and if I lost another child because of someone else’s poor choices, I don’t know that I’d ever recover from that.
Never mess with a new hampshire girl we know places where no one will find you shirt
My God, this was powerful. I pray that Chris continues to mentor and guide young men by telling his story and I truly hope Mr. Lacy has found comfort in Chris’ redemption and in the remainder of his family and is happy every day of his life. Forgiveness is Priceless! Mr. Lacy…I cant imagine the devastation and pain that you have carried. I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. Never mess with a new hampshire girl we know places where no one will find you shirt You are a amazing and a very strong man. God bless you This was amazing! You can only hope that if faced with such a tragedy and hardship that you could exercise this level of strength, humility and humanity!
Have a nice day and go shopping now!

All I can say is wow…..they are both very strong men! This must’ve been the hardest thing for Mr. Lacy to do, other than bury his baby girl. My heart goes out to him. As for Chris, I hope the forgiveness given to you and your 2nd chance at life makes you a better person. Make changes in other people’s lives.

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