Take it from me; Life is too short to waste it with the wrong person. I’m a simple woman I like cross mickey disney and fishing shirt There are people out there who would be overjoyed to share their life with you. Give to the needy, and not the greedy.
I’m a simple woman I like cross mickey disney and fishing shirt
Ever since I discovered love, I desired to experience it. But, it wasn’t until later in life that I found someone who showed me what I thought was love. Eight years later, I broke off an engagement because I realized that this person hadn’t shown me love. She had shown me desire, which eventually waned and left only resentment and pain. I’m a simple woman I like cross mickey disney and fishing shirt I was heartbroken, because I believed that I would never truly experience love. But then I met someone who was longing for it as much as me, and together, we have experienced true love by enjoying new experiences, sharing our hopes and dreams, and helping each other to achieve them. She has saved me in more ways than one, and in return I have tried to do everything I can to show my appreciation.
My husband left me for the third and final time after 7 years. I know he set up a pattern, but I was still devastated. We had our differences and it wasn’t always a bed of roses, but still I thought he loved me. We had a lot of laughter and did things together. We went to dinner, museums, festivals, family dinners, movies, walks in the woods, all kinds of things. Just the night before he left we were laughing histerically together! We adopted a kitten 6 months before he left for the last time. I spent over a year trying to get him back, but in the end he divorced me. I have not spoken to him in over 2 months, which is a long time for me. I don’t cry as much anymore and I know he’s a fool for throwing me away. I don’t need him, I just wanted to share my life with him. It just hurts knowing he did not feel the same. The pain is getting less, but it’s still there. I just try not to dwell on it so much anymore and carry on.
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